Year 9 Media Studies

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs P. Pierce.

The Year 9 Media Studies course is designed to give ākonga an introduction to the world of media.  Ākonga will analyse how we use, interact with and interpret various forms of media in our daily lives.  Ākonga will become critical thinkers increasing their awareness of the role that we, as media users, play in our society and the world around us.  The course has a practical focus, encouraging students to experience different forms of media first hand, making their own judgements and reflecting on their own personal experiences.  This course includes trips to media agencies and guest speakers from people in the media industry.

The media shapes our understanding of the world, reflecting and communicating aspects of our public and private lives and contributing to the creation of personal, social, cultural, and national identities. It is constantly changing. The progress of technology, mobility, connectivity, and digitisation is generating new channels and media formats. Ākonga are increasingly participating in this dynamic new environment. Through active engagement with the media, they will deepen their awareness of the nature and purpose of these changes. Media Studies challenges and empowers ākonga to analyse and interpret media content and become more informed and think critically about the media and its role in everyday life.

Course Overview

Term 1
Learning Objectives:
* Students develop an understanding of what media is.
* Students to develop an understanding of how techniques are used to shape what we think, feel and understand through advertising.
* Student to create their own advertisement that demonstrates understanding of the impact visual and verbal messages can have on a target audience.

Establishing what Media Studies is through various media sources. What is media? Written, oral, visual variety.

Topic: Advertising
* What is advertising?
* What is the purpose of advertising?
* Can advertising be misused? How?
* Stereotyping in advertising
* Unpack the power of the visual and the verbal using popular ads.

Term 2
Learning Objectives:
* Develop understanding of how film is used to develop ideas
* Develop understanding of film making mechanics and techniques
* Develop understanding of creating a film for a target audience

Topic: Film original and remake
* Why do production companies make remakes of old films?
* What is a target audience and why is it important to make sure your film appeals to your target audience?
* What goes into a film to ensure its success? How does it make money?
* What are the risks and benefits or remaking a classic?

Term 3
Learning Objectives:
* Develop understanding of what social media is and its purpose.
* Develop understanding of how social media can manipulate and influence people.

Topic: The Role of Social Media
* Look at the way people present themselves on social media
* Reality vs perception
* How much do we believe about what we see?
* How does social media negatively and positively influence people?

Term 4
Learning Objectives:
* Develop understanding of how the news can inform and misinform.
* Develop understanding of the different ways the same news item can be present for different purposes.

Topic: News and Differing Opinions
* Look at different ways the same news issue is reported on different channels
* Explore podcasts and radio interviews
* What is the purpose of news?
* Is the news always fairly presented?
* Is there an agenda? What can these be? Why?

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

20 Leaf Clearfile
Students will need access to their own digital device


Communication specialist/ director
Production assistant
Video editor
Social media specialist
Editorial assistant
Social media manager
Public relations assistant
Film maker
Media buyer
Market researcher
Digital marketer
Account executive
Public relations

Assessment Information

This is a project-based course. Students will be creating their own media products as part of the assessment process.


Rosmini College's timetable is student-driven and a new timetable is generated each year based on student subject selection. Unfortunately, while we do our best to avoid them, timetabling clashes may still occur and a few students may be required to choose an alternative subject option.

The 2024 timetable, including the number of classes in each subject and staffing allocations, is created based on student selections made in 2023. Because of this, changing subjects at the beginning of 2024 may not be possible. Please, make your subject choices carefully.