Year 10 Art

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr J. Manuel.

Course Objectives
The Year 10 option course is an introduction and preparation for the Level 1 NCEA. The aim is to introduce students to the disciplines of drawing, painting, mixed media/collage, printmaking and sculpture. Drawing tasks are compulsory in all activities to record, clarify ideas and to express through the application of line and tone.

Course Content
The students are required to:
• Research the work and techniques of selected artists.
• Draw using a variety of wet and dry materials.
• Complete tasks in a variety of media, e.g. Paint, print, sculpture and/or design as they relate to the artists.
Students will also explore Level One achievement standards in the second half of the year. At present, tasks requiring specific skills that students will need at Level 1, are practiced in Year 10. These are a starting point for the body of work completed at Level 1 and will prepare students for the Year 11 Achievement Standards.

This year’s work is to be submitted in workbook and folio form for assessment.

Where does the course lead to?
It is important for students considering Year 11 Art to take it as an option in Year 10. This will give them a basic grounding in the skills and understandings required by the examiners of the Level 1 course. If students cannot choose Art at Year 10, they can still enter at Year 11 with HOD approval.

Recommended Prior Learning

Depending on student's ability and attitude. A selection of personal artworks created by the student.

A desire to create unique images that communicate feelings, ideas, thoughts and reactions to your world through your personal vision. 

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Varies depending on course requirements.



Rosmini College's timetable is student-driven and a new timetable is generated each year based on student subject selection. Unfortunately, while we do our best to avoid them, timetabling clashes may still occur and a few students may be required to choose an alternative subject option.

The 2024 timetable, including the number of classes in each subject and staffing allocations, is created based on student selections made in 2023. Because of this, changing subjects at the beginning of 2024 may not be possible. Please, make your subject choices carefully.